I’m not hiding anymore

I celebrate everything from poop to mistakes to accomplishments. And I share my celebrations publicly to encourage, lift up and normalize out in the world. I realized one of the celebrations I haven’t really shared is the anniversary of my recovery. Why haven’t I shared my recovery? In my mind, Read more…

5 Signs Stress Controls Your Life

Most of us out there experience some sort of stress in our lives everyday. Stress always exists, yet so does Ease. So if you experience stress daily, how do you know when Stress is controlling your life? Here are 5 easy signs telling you stress is controlling your life: 1) Read more…

New Moon Magic and LoveU

Have you been experiencing struggle recently? It can show up as not feeling like working or being around other people and wanting to cocoon and go within. It can show up as interference in your typically rested and uninterrupted sleep with less rest and more interruptions. We are at the Read more…

Who Am I?

Just a week or so ago I was spinning. The moment we’ve dreamed about for a long time arrived. Our son’s healing was at the point he could be in a general education setting in his home school. So, for the 4th time since school began in August, our schedules Read more…

I hate my. . .

Who hasn’t uttered the words I hate my… -life -ass -body -nose -laugh -hair -name -job -eyes -skin -nails -belly -breasts -fat -sex life -lack of _____ I am the first one raising my hand.  At different times in my life: I’ve said it to myself, to others, I’ve written Read more…

Vulnerably Naked

So as many of you who read my blog regularly know, I was bulimic from the age of 8 until I went to treatment at 25.  You don’t go to treatment and POOF, your healed.  It’s a way to get a giant head start (if you are willing to face your Read more…