I clear spaces. It is something I have a talent for and I enjoy it. No two have ever been alike. I was sharing this with a a new friend over coffee and was asked what it was. Was it just smudging, was it like Feng Shui or what? What a great question. I know what I believe but I was curious to know what others thought. So, I recently asked people I know their take on the difference between Feng Shui and Clearing Spaces. I received wonderful answers from:
1) Space clearing can happen in the presence of Feng shui..
2) Space clearing involves ether ,Feng shui involves things—
3) Space clearing is a part of Feng Shui. Get rid of clutter. Get rid of stuff you don’t need, broken, doesn’t bring you joy. Get that energy out. Let go. This clears the space for the energy to flow, and allows space for new intentional energy flow.
4) Feng shui is the placement of objects and the flow of energy around them. Space clearing is cleansing and fluffing up any stuck energy.
5) I don’t know
I loved everyone’s honesty and find value in every answer as well as truth.
Here is what I know, what I’ve seen and believe:
Feng Shui is an art and science about the placement of objects around a space to support the flow of energy, abundance, health, balance, love, etc.
Space clearing is about changing the vibrational energy within the space allowing it to flow and removing the very energy causing places like our homes, offices, properties, etc. not to feel good. The range of “not feeling good stuff” spans from negative vibes we pick up throughout our day to earthbound spirits (aka ghosts) who haven’t crossed into the light and more. Clearing a space includes protecting the space too. It creates a feeling of peace, joy, and ease within the place. Space clearing affects our personal vibes while in and around that space as well as anyone visiting. Those vibes affect our daily living.
Feng Shui and Space Clearing work well together supporting each other. Clearing the space, protecting it and filling it with good vibes and peaceful energy is the first key step to a space (home or work) completely supporting our life’s desires.
Interested in knowing more? Later this week I’ll begin sharing video tips for space clearing. Look out for links to my YouTube, via Facebook or Twitter or sign up for my newsletter.
I’d love to know your thoughts and answer your questions too so please respond and let me know. And share this this often. We all need spaces that feel peaceful and joyfilled to spend quality time.
Lovingly Lotus