Do you wake up feeling great and head out into your day only to find after a work meeting or a run to a store you feel off, cranky, sad, etc.? Does any room in your house or does your car feel off, cold or darker? If you are answering yes about any part of you or your space feeling off, you need energetic cleansing.  I want to help you and share some of my favorite rituals. I energetically cleanse myself and my home, often if not daily.  Whether you are an open channel or just unaware,  it is easy to pick up other people’s energy unknowingly not only in your own energetic field but also in your home, your car,  or any space you visit. If you wouldn’t want to share someone else’s underwear, why wear their energy?
So what do you do to feel better?
begin by becoming more aware of how you feel so you notice when your feelings (physical, mental and emotional) change.   I begin my day doing a quick scan of me.  How do I feel: emotionally, physically, energetically.  If you don’t know the answers to all of them, it is okay.  It will come with practice.  Daily consistency is key.
Second cleanse your self.
Clearing a space without clearing yourself is like mopping your floor wearing dirty shoes.

There are many approaches for cleansing yourself.

Here is a short list.  You may like one or a couple; use them separately or together. There are no rules.,, feel what feels good to you. When you finish check in and see how you feel.  Don’t make this hard or complicated.

1- begin with water in the body;

Program a glass of water by holding it and setting an intention

Think and drink

2-Visualization: Create an image or a ritual of the mind that as you picture it, you cleanse.  You ask for anything not yours to be released for your highest good and cleansed off of you.

3- Prayer: Ask in prayer for energetic cleansing

4 sage or palo santo: Light either of these, set an intention to cleanse your self and douse yourself in their fumes

5- music: Sing, play or dance choosing music that lifts you up and soothes your soul (this is subjective)

6- crystals: Use crystal healing to cleanse your energetic field

7-move outside: Walk, run, bike, etc feel the earth beneath you and feel your vibes raise higher.

8- Water over the body: Shower, bathe and as the water runs over you or you submerge your body in water, know you are cleansing

9- exercise: Yoga, Pilates, Barre, Cycling, Running, Basketball, etc. Any form where you are moving continuously or close to continuously

10-laugh: laughter heals your soul; And more….

The goal is to clear your vibes and begin moving your vibration higher.  All you must do is believe it is possible to succeed.

Just as weather changes daily, the approach appealing to you can shift or change.  The methods you choose can also change as you learn, heal and grow, especially when you choose an extensive letting go healing like Kahuna healing. What I do today is different than what I did years ago.  I try news things and adapt my own rituals. So don’t be afraid to try something new.
Once you cleanse you, space cleansing can begin.  And you use many of the same approaches. Scan your space first.  How does each room feel? This is super personal.  My personal fave is white sage.  It is powerful and grabs most unwanted energy.  I set a stage for myself.  I love music and play music throughout my cleansing time.  I set intentions for my space and visualize the cleansing and protection of it.  And then I walk and dance throughout my space focused on my intentions.
Now there are times I receive intuitive messages to choose another approach or I hear I need to meditate first and I pick up some nuance to incorporate.  When I go to a client’s home, each space is cleansed uniquely.  While I may bring sage, there may be other tools I hear to help including meditations and even bubbles.  And sometimes, if there is a darker energy or a spirit to cross over, that certainly brings additional alternatives to my choices.
When you finish, scan your space again.  And notice the difference.  You may not be able to describe it right away.  It could be it just feels better.  And then yes, you’ve done it.
As we begin this new year of 2017, I encourage you to cleanse your self, cleanse your space and look for opportunities for healing yourself and letting go of what you don’t wish to carry with you any longer.  Letting go can cleanse your soul.  If you want to know more about this, join me  and Nami for Kahuna Healing as the first New Moon of 2017 approaches (information below).

With Love & Gratitude, Marni